Recreation Association (BPRA) to Bear All Credit Card Fees Related to Online Payment of the 2022 Annual Assessment
The BPRA Board of Trustees has voted to bear 100% of the credit card transaction costs associated with online payments of the 2022 Annual Assessment. In 2021, those costs were shared between BPRA and the homeowner.
The online payment system is one feature of a homeowner’s eSoft Planner account for managing their pool access. In 2021, the system was available from mid February through the end of March essentially from start to finish of the Assessment collection “grace period” (the period during which payments can be made without incurring penalties and fees for “late” payment under the BPRA Assessment Collections Policy). We are exploring whether in 2022 the online payment option can be extended for paying delinquent accounts as well.
“We strongly encourage homeowners to make their Assessment payments though the online payment system,” said BPRA President Karen Purdy, “since doing so gives a homeowner the maximum flexibility for managing that cost within their monthly household budget, while also reducing BPRA direct and indirect costs associated with receiving, processing, and accounting for paper check payments. Our greatest hope is that eventually, all Assessment payments are made electronically. 2022 will be the ‘test case’ for whether absorbing transaction costs associated with online payments will accelerate movement in that direction.”
By Dave Pullen