Engaging, Advocating, and Serving.
SBP Civic Association
The Civic Association normally meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 7:30 PM to 9PM on Zoom. The Board normally does not meet in August, November and December.
The Strathmore-Bel Pre Civic Association is chartered in the State of Maryland as a non-profit corporation. Its purpose is to promote effective communications within the Strathmore at Bel Pre community; to track developments within the county at large that might affect our neighborhood; and to sponsor community events such as the Annual Yard Sale and the 4th of July parade, field day, and picnic. The Civic Association also publishes The Bugle, a neighborhood newsletter. The Civic Association also coordinates a Summer Entertainment Series and the July 4th celebration.
Stay tuned to the Bugle, Listserv and SBP Pool Bulletin Board for the latest updates!
SBPCA Bus Lane Concerns and Request Statement
Our Request and Recommendation SBPCA recommends a review of the now-permanent bus lanes on Georgia Avenue. We hold the position that these bus lanes should not be made permanent in their current form. They should be more precisely tailored, focusing more on safety and ease of access for the frequent users of Georgia Avenue -- the folks who use the residential and commercial areas of Georgia Avenue.
PDF of detailed SBPCA Bus Lanes Concerns and request click here.
Association Board
Nancy Bechtol, President, bechtna@si.edu
Vacant, Vice President
John Bogasky, Treasurer, johnbogasky@hotmail.com
Linda Bea, Secretary, linda.k.bea@verizon.net
Board Members:
Nicole Banks, MZCole77@gmail.com
Elliot Chabot, echabot@usa.net
Lilla Hammond, lilla.hammond@verizon.net
Chris Jennison, chris.s.jennison@gmail.com
Chris Swan, cswan@usa.net
Rita Vaught, r.vaught@comcast.net
Governing Documents
Annual Reports
Summarizes the activities and accomplishments of the Strathmore Bel Pre Civic Association for the Fiscal Years below:
County Links
Emergencies and to report “hot” or sparking wires, especially those across roadways, call 911 (do not use for plowing questions);
Non-emergencies, Police 301-279-8000
Phone Numbers:
Call 240-777-7270 about ADA Ramps, Sidewalks
Call 240-777-7244 about Bikeways.
Call 240-777-7223 about Bridges, Public Roads and Highways, Storm Drains, Transit Facilities.
Call 240-773-3410 about, Abandonments of Right-of-Way, Disposition of Public Property, Permanent Closures of Public Roads, Property Acquisition.
Call 240-777-7210 about Road Construction.
How to request a speed hump
Department of Environmental Protection
Montgomery County Civic Federation: http://www.montgomerycivic.org/
Glenmont Exchange: https://www.facebook.com/glenmontexchange/