BPRA Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 7 7:30 pm Meeting will be held via teleconference
Adoption of budget (or at December Meeting)
Set the annual assessment (or at December Meeting)
Tuesday, January 7 7:30 pm Meeting will be held via teleconference
Adoption of budget (or at December Meeting)
Set the annual assessment (or at December Meeting)
on Zoom. Reconvened Annual Meeting (if needed) or Town Hall meeting
Tuesday, December 5 7:00 PM Board meeting via teleconference
Election of officers at Board meeting (must be done within 30 days of the annual meeting)
BPRA Elections Committtee will tally votes on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 3:30pm. Contact Dave Pullen dave_pullen@outlook.com for Zoom login to observe meeting.
Thursday, November 21 7:00 pm Annual Meeting
Election of Trustees
Presentation of annual budget
Tuesday, November 5, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held via teleconference. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 4/9/24 to be added to the participants list.
Saturday, October 26, 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the pool parking lot. The parking lot will be open at 4:30 pm for trunk set-up. Decorate a trunk and pass out candy, or trick or treat from trunk to trunk. If you are handing out candy, plan to 80 to 100 kids. There will be candy, music, and fun!
For more information, contact Paulette Ladas at pauletteladas@gmail.com.
Meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference. Please contact Nancy Bechtol at bechtna@si.edu by 4 pm on 10/22/24 to be added to the participants list.
Deadline for Annual Meeting notice to the General Membership (30 days before annual meeting)
Strathmore Bel Pre's annual community block party will be held on Sunday, October 20, from 3-6 pm. Rippling Brook Drive, between Bel Pre Elementary School and the Matthew Henson Trail.
Tuesday, October 1, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held via teleconference. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 4/9/24 to be added to the participants list.
Board approves preliminary budget to be submitted to the General Membership with the Annual Meeting notice.
Deadline for action on any recommendations from Nominating Committee concerning the nomination and election rules
BPRA Governing Documents Committee meeting 7:30 pm. Meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference. Please contact Elliot Chabot at echabot@usa.net by 4 pm on 9/25/24 to be added to the participants list.
Meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference. Please contact Nancy Bechtol at bechtna@si.edu by 4 pm on 9/24/24 to be added to the participants list.
Finance Committee transmits its Annual Budget recommendations to the Board. Long Term Planning Committee submits its annual 5-year plan to the Board. (1 week before items are to be considered by the Board.)
Draft the 2025 Budget for review/approval by the Board
Homeowners interested in “attending” any of these Zoom meetings should email: Treasurer4BPRA@gmail.com to receive log-in credentials.
Draft the 2025 Budget for review/approval by the Board
Homeowners interested in “attending” any of these Zoom meetings should email: Treasurer4BPRA@gmail.com to receive log-in credentials.
Draft the 2025 Budget for review/approval by the Board
Homeowners interested in “attending” any of these Zoom meetings should email: Treasurer4BPRA@gmail.com to receive log-in credentials.
13920 Bethpage Lane
The Strathmore Bel Pre Civic Association will be hosting its 42nd annual community yard sale on Saturday, September 14, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Strathmore Bel Pre Pool parking lot – 13920 Bethpage Lane. Rain date is Sunday, September 15. For more info, call (301) 460-0497.
Tuesday, September 10, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held via teleconference or at the pool. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 4/9/24 to be added to the participants list.
Pool closes at 8 pm
Deadline for the Nominating Committee recommendations to the General Membership (60 days prior to the notice of the Annual Meeting)
Tuesday, August 13, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held at pool or via teleconference or at the pool IF NEEDED. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 8/13/24 to be added to the participants list.
BPRA Governing Documents Committee meeting 7:30 pm. Meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference. Please contact Elliot Chabot at echabot@usa.net by 4 pm on 8/8/24 to be added to the participants list.
Tuesday, July 23, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held at pool or via teleconference or at the pool IF NEEDED. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 7/23/24 to be added to the participants list.
Tuesday, July 9, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held at pool or via teleconference or at the pool (July 4 is a Thursday). Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 7/9/24 to be added to the participants list.
Tuesday, June 18, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held at pool or via teleconference or at the pool IF NEEDED. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 6/18/24 to be added to the participants list.
Tuesday, June 4, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held at pool or via teleconference or at the pool. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 6/4/24 to be added to the participants list.
Pool opens at noon and closes at 8:45 pm
Saturday, May 11*, 9:00 am Board meeting at pool with property walk-through. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 5/9/24 to be added to the participants list.
*to be confirmed at a later date.
Tuesday, May 7, 7:30 pm Meeting will be held via teleconference or at the pool. Please contact Karen Purdy at klpurdy@hotmail.com or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on 5/7/24 to be added to the participants list.
Meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference. Please contact Elliot Chabot at echabot@usa.net by 4 pm on 4/23/24 for login information.