Where: SBP Pool Parking Lot
Who: SBP residents including children/grandchildren. No guests allowed
No more than 50 attendees, per County Covid-19 guidelines Reservations: Email cswan@usa.net with your name and number of people. First come, First served.
Date/time stamp on email used to break ties.
Protocols :
Each family assigned two parking spaces as a “pod” (see attached map)
Masks required if you leave your pod.
Masks highly recommended in your pod when outside car.
Pool bathrooms will be open. Wash your hands.
If needed, move within your pod to maintain social distance from folks in adjacent pods.
Tall vehicles (SUVs, Vans, Pickups) must park in edge spots (see attached map)
Children need to be accompanied by an adult (old enough to drive).
Parking spaces are first come, first served.
You must have a reservation to attend.