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TENTATIVE DATE - Live Concert: The Breakaways, featuring Elizabeth and Phil Kominski

Where: SBP Pool Parking Lot

Who:  SBP residents including children/grandchildren. No guests allowed
No more than 50 attendees, per County Covid-19 guidelines Reservations: Email  with your name and number of people.  First come, First served.
Date/time stamp on email used to break ties.
Protocols :

  • Each family assigned two parking spaces as a “pod” (see attached map)

  • Masks required if you leave your pod.

  • Masks highly recommended in your pod when outside car.

  • Pool bathrooms will be open. Wash your hands.

  • If needed, move within your pod to maintain social distance from folks in adjacent pods.

  • Tall vehicles (SUVs, Vans, Pickups) must park in edge spots (see attached map)

  • Children need to be accompanied by an adult (old enough to drive).

  • Parking spaces are first come, first served.

  • You must have a reservation to attend.

Earlier Event: September 1
BPRA Board Meeting 7:30 pm