Annual Meeting:
The BPRA Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, at Strathmore Elementary School. Sign-in starts at 6:45. The Civic Association's Annual Meeting runs from 7:00 to 7:30; and the BPRA Annual meeting will start at 7:30. A quorum at the BPRA meeting is 72 households.
The BPRA meeting will include the election of 3 trustees, a report from Delegate Bonnie Cullison on pending legislation that will affect homeowner associations, and the annual budget presentation. A critical report from BPRA’s Long-Term Planning Committee will also be presented; but NO VOTE on its recommendations to increase annual dues assessments will be taken at the November annual meeting. An additional informational meeting for members will be held on December 2. The formal vote of the general membership on the proposal will be held at a Special Meeting in January 2020.
Everyone who is able is encouraged to attend the November 21 Annual Meeting in person. However, if you cannot be physically present at the November 21 meeting, please exercise your right to file a proxy, limited solely to establishing or maintaining a quorum, on the Quorum Proxy form. If you like, you can e-mail it to Ted Bechtol at or have a friend or neighbor bring it to the November 21 meeting.
The right to submit a proxy to help establish a quorum was approved by the membership last year so that those unable to attend could still help us meet the quorum needed to conduct business. This avoids the additional time and expense of re-scheduling meetings simply because members have conflicts that prevent them from being present in person. Your proxy cannot be used to vote on any matters at the Annual Meeting other than helping to establish the quorum. Only those physically present can cast votes on the business matters presented.
If there is no quorum at the November 21 meeting, the meeting will be reconvened on Tuesday, December 2, at 8:00 pm at the all-purpose room at Strathmore Elementary School. The quorum at that meeting will be 36 households.
Special Meetings (January 2020):
In January 2020, we will hold a special meeting to vote on the proposal by the BPRA’s Long-Term Planning Committee to change the annual assessments.
The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 9, at 7:30 pm at Strathmore Elementary School. A quorum for that meeting will be 428 households.
If there is not a quorum on January 9, then the meeting will reconvene on Thursday January 16, at 7:30 pm at Strathmore Elementary School. A quorum at that meeting will be 214 households.
If there is not a quorum on January 16 (or if either the January 9 or January 16 meetings got snowed out), we will have a last special meeting on Thursday, January 23, at 7:30 pm at Strathmore Elementary School. Whoever is there will constitute a quorum,
Everyone who is able is encouraged to attend all the January special meetings in person. However, if you cannot attend, you may vote on the proposal by proxy. (Votes are not normally permitted by proxy, but they are permitted on proposals to change the annual assessment.) To vote by proxy, please either:
contact Karen Purdy at (301) 603-9604 or On request, Karen will hand-deliver your Assessment proxy; or click here for Assessment Proxy form, fill it out, scan it, and e-mail it to Karen Purdy at (or have a friend or neighbor bring it to the meeting