BPRA Dues Letter & Questions
Dear Neighbor:
Your payment of $225 was due March 1st, 2019, for the BRPA annual assessment. You should have received a print letter in the mail, as well as an email possibly, instructing you how to pay your $225 assessment on time.
Why must this be paid?
Your payment is required by law. There is a land-use covenant attached to your property deed, which is recorded in the Montgomery County Land Records. When you bought your home, you accepted the legal responsibility to pay this assessment as long as you own the home. Copies of the covenants are available on the Strathmore Bel Pre community website: https://www.StrathmoreBelPre.org/government-documents/, under the “Covenants – Bel Pre Recreational Association” heading.
What is the benefit?
The annual assessment pays for your recreational facilities maintenance and their operation on the Association’s property at 13920 Bethpage Lane. The pool will be open from Saturday, May 25 until Labor Day, Monday, September 2. The tennis and basketball courts are open year-round. Our marvelous facilities are for your use and enjoyment and are great way to be part of our Association, and to meet your neighbors.
How do I pay?
We strongly encourage you to pay via Quickbooks Online E-Billing. Quickbooks Online E-Billing allows the treasurer to provide an electronic invoice to your email address for the collection of your HOA annual dues which can be paid via ACH bank transfer/E-Check at no additional charge. This electronic process will save the volunteer BPRA Treasurer plenty of time. You may also pay by check, if you prefer. Whether you pay by Quickbooks Online E-Billing or by check, please fill out and return the form on the back of this letter. Mail the form to The Bel Pre Recreational Association, Inc., P.O. Box 6370, Silver Spring, MD 20916-6370.
May I pay late?
If you have not paid your assessment by March 31, the Association is required by a County Government order to charge an additional 6% per annum interest. Also, there is a $22.50 late fee and any additional costs of collection.
What happens if I do not pay?
The Association will put a lien on your property deed. Additional costs of collection, including attorneys’ fees, court filing fees, etc., will be added to the amounts you owe, and must be paid in addition to each of any unpaid annual assessment amounts.
Questions? If you have any questions about the assessment or about BRPA, please call BPRA President Elliot Chabot at (301) 871-1113, or email the BPRA Treasurer.