2020 July 4th Plans Announced!
As you might expect, our annual tradition of Fourth of July celebrations at the SBP Pool and throughout our community will look a little different this year. The BPRA and Civic Association are working to finalize plans to make our holiday still as festive as possible.
Come join our 4th of July Celebration and “Parade of Cars!”
Parade will begin at 12:30 pm, July 4th
Strathmore Elementary School on Beaverwood Lane.
Arrive anytime after 11:45 am to register if you haven’t done so and take your place in line. Cars will line up single file.
It is a Strathmore Bel Pre tradition to have a parade, a picnic and childrens’ events to bring us all together and celebrate our country’s birthday! This year due to Corvid -19, we have a couple of new events for our community. First, you are invited to participate in our “Patriotic Car Parade!” The goal is to decorate your car in our red, white and blue colors! You don’t need to decorate or sign up to be in the parade, but we look forward to seeing the creativity of our community! We do encourage you to let us know if you plan to have your car in the parade so that we can estimate the number of cars participating.
Judging of the “Most Patriotic” cars will take place at the end of our parade when we return to Strathmore Elementary School. The three winners will be notified at that time and their prizes will be sent through USPS mail. Please note: the three judges will be present to evaluate each registered vehicle as it returns to the school.
To be a part of the parade, parade cars need to arrive between 11:30am and noon at Strathmore Elementary School (Beaverwood Lane). Registration will be available for last minute participants. The parade will start at 12:30pm. Let’s all be ready!
Here is the map for our parade route..
July 4th Activity for children: Art on SBP’s Website!
Our young people will have their special celebration, too. In lieu of marching in the parade, we invite the children and teens (young adults) in our community to exhibit their skills in an art contest. We have pre-printed age-appropriate art for our young artists to color. Some of them were created by Michael Hammond, a professional artist, who grew up in our community.
You can get the printed sketches by emailing to Bill Hammond at w.m.hammond@verizon.net. Please include the ages of your child/children so they get the appropriate sketches. Older children may wish to create their own art work.
When the picture is completed, please scan it or take a photo of it and email it as an attachment to the same email address.Be sure to include the artist’s name and age for each work. Your entries will be displayed on our community’s website at strathmorebelpre.org in a special July 4th section. All art entries must be submitted by Labor Day, September 7th, 2020 to be included on the www.strathmorebelpre.org website and in the Bugle as space permits.
We hope you will join us and help make our July 4th Celebration a great event!! Any questions, please contact our July 4th Celebration Co-chairs Bill (301-509-4621) or Lilla Hammond (301-518-7818).