Bel Pre Recreational News
Upcoming Meetings - November and December
Due to the on-going COVID 19 pandemic, all Recreational Association (BPRA) meetings through the end of 2021, including the Annual Meeting, will be held via teleconference on Zoom. There are currently 2 general meetings scheduled for this fall: the joint Civic (SBPCA) and BPRA Annual General Membership Meetings on November 18 and the joint SBPCA and BPRA Annual Town Hall Meeting on December 7 . Information for joining these meetings via telephone, computer or other device will be included in the 2021 Annual Meeting Notice mailed to each member household during October. If you have not received your Annual Meeting Notice by November 1 , please contact Treasurer Dave Pullen at or 301 598 2521.
More information about each meeting is below. Additional information and helpful links can be found on
BPRA Annual General Membership Meeting, Thursday, November 18, 7:30 pm, via Zoom
The main order of business during the annual meeting will be the election of 4 BPRA Board Trustees. We will also present the BPRA Annual Report and 2022 23 Budget, vote on a proposed By Law Amendment, and have time for questions. More information on the proposed By Law Amendment can be found in the blog post titled By-Law Amendment On the November BPRA Ballot BPRA Fiscal Year Dates Change Proposed to Match the Calendar Year
Annual Strathmore Bel Pre Town Hall Meeting, December 7, at 8 pm, via Zoom
The Town Hall meeting is an opportunity to (virtually) get together with your neighbors to share knowledge, learn more about our community and ask questions in an informal setting.
BPRA Annual Elections
The BPRA Board of Trustees is a 9-member body elected at the Annual General Membership Meeting. Each member is elected to a 3 year term. The terms are staggered, so that 3 members are elected every year. This year, due to a recent vacancy on the Board, we will be electing 4 Board members. 3 candidates will be elected to 3 year terms, while 1 candidate will be elected to complete the 2 years remaining in the term of vacant Board seat. The candidates with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd highest vote counts will be elected to the 3 year terms. The candidate with the 4th highest vote count will be elected to the 2 year term. We have 4 candidates running for those 4 seats : Ted Bechtol, Steve Jennison, Aung “Rod” O and Karen Purdy. Thank you all for volunteering.
Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the 2021 BPRA Board of Trustee Elections will be held via mail in or drop off ballot. Ballots will be mailed to each member household with the Annual Meeting Notice in October. Election instructions and additional information can be found on the reverse side of the ballot and at
Election results will not be available at the Annual Meeting but will be posted on and at the pool within one week of the completion of the election.
Proposed By-Law Amendment Vote
We will be using the same ballots for Trustee Elections and the vote on the By-Law amendment. Results of the By-Law change vote will not be available at the Annual Meeting, but will be posted on and at the pool within one week of the completion of the elections. Please see blog post titled By-Law Amendment On the November BPRA Ballot BPRA Fiscal Year Dates Change Proposed to Match the Calendar Year for more information about the proposed By-Law change.
Spring Projects
The BPRA completed two major facility projects this Spring. Both projects were anticipated by the BPRA Five Year Plan.
Main Pool Filters
This project consisted of the replacement of the main pool filters and related piping. The existing pool filters were more than 25 years old and had reached the end of their useful life. Thank you to Joe Moeller for coordinating this project.
Tennis Court Repairs
This project included repairing cracks, eliminating low spots to prevent standing water, converting one tennis court into two pickleball courts, and resurfacing and restriping the entire fenced in court area. Thank you to the Tennis & Pickleball Court Committee, chaired by Dave Pullen, for coordinating this project and for their hard work leading up to this point. Thank you to George Usher, whose passion for tennis led to creation of the Committee and its early efforts to identify solutions/contractors, to Karen Brown, Sol Lopez, Maria * Paul Sagnitto, Dave Pullen and George Usher for reinstalling nets on all courts, to Sol Lopez for procuring two new tennis court nets at no cost, Stan Sachar for his support of the project and committee, and to Joe Moeller, his family, BSA Troop 763 and all the neighbors who helped remove and then reinstall the tennis court backboard.
Summer 2021
This summer, while not quite back to business as usual, was a successful and fun summer. Thanks to our many volunteers for making our summer successful:
**Joe Moeller and family for performing many pre season tasks around the pool and grounds and for coordinating with contractors on several projects
**Ted Bechtol for keeping our grounds in good shape and coordinating tree pruning and removal throughout the property
**Carmen Wong for taking on the role as Season Pass Coordinator
**Ted Bechtol, Dave Pullen and Billy Ruppert for battling rusty nuts and bolts to replace numerous signs throughout the parking lot.
**The Emergencye Response and Planning Committee for putting preliminary 2021 rules together
**The BRPA Board for the many meetings dealing with the ever changing COVID guidance and restrictions
Fall 2021 Activities
We’re happy to report that we are planning on holding several fall activities in conjunction with the Civic Association this year:
September 25 Shred it and Yard Sale
October 2 Drive In Movie: In the Heights
October 10 , 3 to 6pm BlocktoberFest (Rain Date is October 17)
October 30 Trunk or Treat
Check the front page for more information about Trunk or Treat.
BPRA Board Meetings
The BPRA Board of Trustees normally meets on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:30 pm. All members of the BPRA are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings of the Board. A 15 minute period at the beginning of each meeting is normally reserved for members of the Association to speak on any issue you feel is important.
2022 Tentative Board Meeting Schedule
The BPRA Board will approve the full 2022 meeting schedule at its January 4, 2022 , meeting. The tentative meeting schedule for remainder of the first half of 2022 is February 1 , March 1 , April 5 , May 3 , June 7.
See for updates.
Seeking Volunteers
The BPRA is always looking for BPRA members interested in volunteering. If you are interested in serving on one of our committees, or volunteering in some other way, please contact the appropriate committee chair listed on page 3 of The Bugle or contact me at
We are currently looking for the following:
Website Review Team We are looking for several people to work together to perform a comprehensive review of the BPRA webpages on, and make recommendations on updates, edits, and additions with an eye toward providing the information that BPRA members request and find useful.
eSoft Planner Coordinator(s) We are looking for one or more people with strong computer and organizational skills to assist with the administration of eSoft Planner. eSoft Planner is our Pool check in and online assessment collection system. The coordinator(s) will interact with the BPRA Board, pool staff and BPRA members. The bulk of work will be performed between February and September, with significant interaction with BPRA membership in March, May and June.
Pavilion Scheduler Schedules pavilion use. This person interacts with the BPRA Board, pool staff and members. The bulk of the work will be performed between April and August.
Webmaster This person maintains the website. Knowledge of Squarespace, or similar platform, is desired but not required.
Long Term Planning Committee Members We need BPRA members to help with the planning of the recreational facilities. IF you have any architecture or engineering background, that would be very helpful.
by Karen Purdy
President, Bel Pre Recreational Association