Dophin's News
No one could ever have predicted a second consecutive COVID summer! Fortunately, we were able to old an almost normal swim season in 2021. A little social distancing, a few masks, and we were back in business for a short, but real, in person season. The Dolphins finished third in the ever competitive Prince-Mont Swim League B Division, and we won the Saum-Hilton Memorial Trophy, awarded to a small team that outperforms its seeding. We are the little swimming engine that could.
Successful 2021 Swim Season
Our successful season was due in large part to our great coaching staff of Head Coach Lilan Miller, First Assistant Coach Olivia Miller, and Assistant Coaches Carson Taylor, Camille Bearman, and Ian Virga.
This coaching team managed another year of COVID restrictions, a new practice schedule, a new pre team (the Lil Dolphins), and a team of boys and girls ages 4 through 18 with enthusiasm and grace. And after 9 years on the coaching staff and many more years as one of our all time best swimmers, Coach Lilan is retiring from the Dolphins. We can’t thank her enough for her hard work and dedication to our team and our swimmers, especially during the very challenging lockdown summer of 2020, when the Dolphins were among the very few summer swim teams to compete at all. Assistant Coach Olivia Miller is also moving on from summer swim, after five years as a coach and a long and illustrious career as a Dolphins swimmer.
We will miss these two beautiful and brilliant sisters, and we expect to see them cheering on the deck next summer! This off season, the search for a new Head Coach will be our top priority.
New League Champions!
This summer, the Dolphins competed successfully in three regular season A meets, two B meets, the B Division Championship, and the Prince Mont All Stars Meet. And we are very proud of our two league champions! Mr. Tyler Kominiski is the PMSL League Campion in both Boys’ 12U IM and Boys’ 11 12 Backstroke, and Miss Sophie DeBacker is the PMSL LEAGUE CHAMPION in Girls’ 8U Breaststroke. Congratulations also to our record smashing Boys 15 18 Medley Relay Carson Taylor, Erik Staggs, Ian Virga, and Christian Jenkins broke the team record on July 17; and then Carson, Erik, Ian and Michael Fernandes broke the record again a week later on July 24! The team of Taylor, Staggs, Virga and Fernandes went on to a third place finish at All Stars.
Lil Dolphins
Developmental Swimming Program
All of this swimming success has to start somewhere, and that is why we reorganized our developmental program this year. The Lil Dolphins is a group lessons program that allows little swimmers to learn basic swimming skills and to progressively move on to learn the competitive strokes. As Lil Dolphins swimmers gain proficiency, they move into the Novice practice, with the goal of competing in meets by the end of the summer. Thanks to Coach O LIVIA for reimagining our pre team as a progressive learning program and getting that new program off to a successful start.
We are in full recruitment mode, so if you have children who want to swim and compete with the Dolphins, now is the time to think about Summer 2022!
We appreciate your continued support and interest in the Dolphins, and we look forward to seeing you at the pool pool in May 2022in May 2022----it’s just eight months away!
by Clair Pak