Strathmore Bel Pre


BPRA Season Pass Option For Pool Use ??

Currently, the BPRA has two options for pool use:

  1. Household Membership:  All eligible, specific household members can access the pool. Eligible members must be listed in your account and have photos on file in our pool check-in system, eSoft Planner. 

  2. Season Pass Membership:  Each BPRA member household that selects this option will get two physical, generic season passes to show to enter the pool. Each pass admits one person and must be shown each time you come to the pool.

The BPRA board is considering eliminating the Season Pass pool option, with the intent of also accommodating the needs of those who currently use it via adjustments to the Household Membership Option.

Some of the reasons for this are as follows:

*Recent pool rules updates have greatly increased the number of people considered free guests

*Recent turnover in the neighborhood

*The time and money required to manage, produce, and mail the season passes

*The general lack of volunteers willing to take tasks on moving forward

*Continued efforts to streamline and automate our processes

Before we make a decision, we want to better understand how the Season Pass option is used. If you used this option in 2021, we invite you to fill out a short survey in one of two ways:

1.Online (preferred): Visit for a link or go directly to the survey.

2.On paper: Complete the questions below and mail to BPRA, P.O. Box 6370, Silver Spring, MD 20906

 BPRA Season Pass Survey

Did you use the Season Pass option in 2021?




Please check all the reasons you use the Season Pass option, as opposed to the Household Membership.

____I am the only person in my household, and I like being able to bring a guest without paying an extra fee.

____When relatives come to visit, I like being able to give my passes to them to use without paying an extra fee.

____I never use the pool and give the passes to friends or neighbors to use.

____I am not good with computers and setting up the Household Membership now seems cumbersome.

____I have always used the Season Passes and do not want to change.

____Other: __________________________________________________


Please leave any comments you have about the Season Pass option:


By Karen Purdy, BPRA President