Little Free Library
I had wanted a Little Free Library (LFL) for years.
I have always loved books, but when I became a nanny and then an aunt, I particularly began to collect books for the sole purpose of passing them on. LFL's have been good sources of books for both myself and others, and I always stop when I come across one. (For those unfamiliar, LFLs are little cubbies of books which you can take from and leave books in as you wish.) Privately, I wished I could host one, but I am not handy, and they are not cheap to buy ready made, so I didn't hope to fill that wish.
Last year, however, my family got together and bought me one. It took us a while to assemble and paint and decorate it - all seven little nieces and nephews took part, and my mother drew a beautiful Hungarian design on the front - and meanwhile we were also preparing to move to 3232 Birchtree Lane. It was a month after our move, on June 1, that we finally unveiled the little library in our yard.
I had plenty of books to fill it, and divided it between adult and kids books. But since then, I've tried to let the community dictate its contents as much as possible. Our neighborhood seems to skew most toward literary fiction, with some interest in non fiction and young kids books (no teens yet!). As the "steward" of the LFL, I make sure donations aren't inappropriate or in bad shape, fill big gaps, and sometimes put away some books for later when the library gets too full. At the moment, there are a few other extras in there: a DVD, a couple of coupons for free dinner kits, and some bookmarks.
I don't see most of the people who stop by the library, although my family members report in when they do, but I check it almost every day and enjoy seeing what's claimed and what's left. I think a few people have even used it to get rid of some old books, and that's totally fine: what the library can't use, I donate to the Friends of the Library (MoCo) bookstore (another great source for books!). The LFL isn't about me; it's meant to be there for the community. But I get so much pleasure and satisfaction from seeing it in action.
I hope you'll stop by. Or, better yet, considering starting your own!
By Katalin Korossy