Life in Strathmore Bel Pre Photo Contest!
Simply take or collect your best photos of life in our community! Winners of the contest are eligible to receive prizes, and their photos will be published in The Bugle, and featured on the Strathmore Bel Pre website. Enter now and often!!
The Rules:
To enter, please email your photo to: by January 1, 2022 .
Please put Bugle Photo Contest as the Subject Line.
Photos must be at least 940 pixels wide by 410 pixels high, and should be in JPG or PNG format.
Winning entries will be chosen by a panel of your neighbors.
Prizes: First prize $60 Second prize $40 Third prize $20
More than one photo per person may be submitted, but only one prize may be won per person.
All submissions become property of the Civic Association, which may use them on the website and in The Bugle .